What is the SONCASE method, and how it can turn prospects into clients and increase sales?
S.O.N.C.A.S.E. origin from the French expression:
Securité: Security
Ongueil: The good feeling of being superior
Nouveauté : New idea or technology
Comfort: The comfort of using the product or services
Argent: The cost
Sympathique : The friendly feeling
Ecologique :Eco-friendly
(LeMonde, 2018)
This customer-centric process earns goodwill (Taylor, 2022). When ready, prospects reach out to S.O.N.C.A.S.E. rather than being pushed. The sales team provides options tailored to each client's unique requirements (Williams, 2021). Their consultative approach means customers feel invested in the process.
The results speak for themselves. While average conversion rates hover around 2%, S.O.N.C.A.S.E. repeatedly hits over 15% by committing to customer needs first (CNBC, 2020). Their ability to turn prospects into satisfied clients produces enviable growth (Forbes, 2022).
In conclusion, using the SONCASE method, you could turn your prospects into clients which helps optimize sales.